Web3Go Potential Airdrop Backed by Binance Labs
➖Connect Metamask (BNB Chain)
➖MInt Web3Go DIN Passport — Gas: 0.0006 BNB ($0.1232)
➖Complete Task, Quiz and login daily to earn leaves
✅Yuliverse QUIZ Event
✅LifeForm Fundamentals Quiz Answer
C, D, D, D ,C
✅Manta Fundamental Quiz
A, D, C, B, C
✅Web3Go x Manta Cube Answers
zkday, zkbab, zknfts
✅ SecondLive Fundamentals Quiz
A, B, B, A, A
✅ Map Protocol Fundamentals Quiz
A, D, A, B, D
✅Litentry Fundamental Quiz
(Your evm address), B, B, A, B
✅Collect galxe here: https://galxe.com/Web3Go